Let’s reduce the carbon footprint of communication campaigns and projects


What is A.L.I.C.E.?

  • Alice is used to measure

    Being aware that everything we do and realize for our customers has many environmental impacts. A.L.I.C.E forces us to revisit our ways of doing and thinking, and to find alternatives. A.L.I.C.E gives a photograph based on the data entered in real time, making it possible to identify action levers.

  • A.L.I.C.E is a dynamic tool

    Who will improve thanks to you; this internal calculator is reserved for Publicis Groupe employees; it was developed with the teams from the various business lines and from different countries and with the support of external third parties, in order to determine the essential elements to be taken into account in the calculations. May they all be thanked!

  • A.L.I.C.E does not claim to be exhaustive

    Because each project has unique features. A.L.I.C.E will not give you THE solution. This is not its role because every day brings its share of innovations and more economical solutions, and other mind-blowing examples of frugality!

  • A.L.I.C.E was designed by the CSR department

    From Publicis Groupe, with Bureau Veritas for the determination of a solid calculation basis integrating greenhouse gas emission factors from several international databases all backed by the GHG Protocol.

A.L.I.C.E was designed by the CSR Department of Publicis Groupe, with Bureau Veritas to determine a solid calculation basis integrating greenhouse gas emission factors from several international databases all backed by the GHG Protocol.

What is ecodesign ?


Ecodesign is an approach to anticipate and avoid waste and favouring efficient resources, based on 5 points:

  • Limiting the use of non-renewable resources as much as possible: what can we replace them with?
  • Using biosourced, certified or renewable materials and materials: what are the « classic » elements for a successful project and what are the certified alternatives that respect the environment?
  • Limit energy consumption: what happens in sleep mode?
  • Limit the transport of goods and people, and their direct impacts: when and where should we really see each other physically?
  • Valuing waste (reuse, recycling, repair) and avoiding the risk of pollution and ultimate waste; the goal is “zero waste”.
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Besoin d'aide ?

What is Life Cycle Analysis (LCA)?


LCA is a method for analyzing the sustainability of a project. We study its impact on the biosphere, that is to say the complex ecological system of living organisms on our planet Earth.
Socio-economic elements are taken into account in specific approaches known as Social Lifecycle Analysis and Life Cycle Costing.

Carbon emissions, greenhouse gas emissions, CO2, GHG Protocol, IPCC… what are we talking about?


Greenhouse gas emissions, sometimes called carbon emissions or CO2 (carbon dioxin) emissions for a quick shortcut. These are the releases or impacts of all human activities into the atmosphere; these discharges become harmful when the Earth no longer has the natural capacity to absorb them. In other words, for example, forests “capture” these greenhouse gases and therefore neutralize them.

The GHG Protocol (Green House Gas) is an international standard for measuring the famous emissions and used by States and companies as a tool for measuring impact. We then speak in “tonnes of carbon equivalent” or TeqCO2

For more than 20 years, scientists around the world within the IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) have regularly alerted the public to the fact that our economic development, due to its very high emissions and discharges, profoundly and lastingly disrupts the climate and biodiversity.

Are you interested in topics concerning our environmental impacts? Do you have any suggestions?

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